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Hot Blooded
Foreigner Tribute

Featuring Jeff Lyons

Hot Blooded LOGO PHOTO Jeff Lyons High Res Photo.jpg

Booking: Neal Shelton





NSE-Hot Blooded A Tribute to Foreigner

NSE-Hot Blooded A Tribute to Foreigner

NSE-Hot Blooded A Tribute to Foreigner
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NSE-Hot Blooded featuring the Jeff Lyons Rockshow A Tribute to Foreigner

NSE-Hot Blooded featuring the Jeff Lyons Rockshow A Tribute to Foreigner

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Booking: Neal Shelton

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Hot Blooded

Featuring Jeff Lyons

Jeff Lyons has been singing since he could talk, playing piano since he was 6 and guitar at 12 and started his first band at 14. Thru his early years, Jeff pursued an original music career and also attended USC's recording engineering program. His influences have always been the best of the best rock singers like Ann Wilson, Steve Perry, Steve Walsh and of course, Lou Gramm. Jeff has shared the stage with Steve Augeri (Journey), Taylor Dayne, Mark McGrath (Sugar Ray), Jim Peterik (Survivor) and many others. Jeff has assembled some of Los Angeles' top studio and touring musicians to recreate the music of Foreigner to a tee. "HOT BLOODED, featuring Jeff Lyons" includes Jim Wheeler, Shane Soloski, Federico Navarro and Pat Leon.   

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