NSE-Gregory Wolfe as Rod Stewart
NSE-Gregory Wolfe as Rod Stewart

NSE-Gregory Wolfe as Rod Stewart
Booking: Neal Shelton
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Gregory Wolfe's first taste in music came at a very young age, listening to crooners like Nat King Cole and Andy Williams. At the age of nineteen, like most young adults In Lansing Mi., Gregory went to work at General Motors. He worked there for eleven years. In the summer of 1984, Gregory entered himself in a Tribute contest that would forever change his future. Soon after he was flown to Los Angeles by the producers of what was then the #1 rated television show in syndication, “Putt’n on the Hits”.
After that, things would never be the same for Gregory, he would soon move to L.A., and not long after, would start making a career out of impersonating Rod Stewart. He has since taken his act world wide, from Singapore to South Carolina, from Bangkok to Berlin, Gregory’s entertained them all over the globe!
In 2005 Gregory started working with a 35 piece orchestra based out of Orange County, Ca. performing the Standards from the Great American Songbook collection at corporate functions and fundraisers in and around the Los Angeles area. And, in 2006, Gregory went in the opposite direction for the feature debut of Gasoline Alley; a tribute to the early years. This debuted, Sept. 30th, at the Coach House in San Juan Capistrano. As Gregory puts it: “This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, and the time is right, we do a collection of these songs as it is. It’s just a matter of adding a few more. I’m excited about it. This should pretty much cover everything, there’s not much else left for me to do! Except enjoy it, which I fully intend to do!
February 2008, Gregory, along with three other performers doing tributes to Elvis, Tina Turner, and Roy Orbison, hit the road where they performed in 22 different country clubs through out Southern California and Arizona. Each one a sellout! Then in July 2009, Gregory and Band, brought their show to the Orange County Fair. Stay Tuned!
Highlights of the new Millennium
2000-?: Hong Kong Harbor View Hotel-Hong Kong., Bangkok Convention Center- Bangkok., Wyndum Hotel Resort- Palm Springs, Ca., Hyatt Grand Champion- Palm Springs., Long Beach Convention Center- Long Beach, Ca., New Orleans Convention Center- New Orleans., Marriott Coronado Island- San Diego., House of Blues/Sunset- Hollywood, Ca., House of Blues/Disneyland –Anaheim., Emerald Queen Casino-Seattle,Wa., Four Seasons Hotel- New Port Beach, Ca., Singapore Tour/Various Locals(7 Weeks)., Hard Rock Café- Atlanta, Ga., Cobb Galleria- Atlanta., Savis Center- St. Louis, Mo., Ravens Stadium- Baltimore, Md., B.B.Kings- Universal City, Ca., Tropicana Casino/Resort- Atlantic City(3 months), Paris Country Club- Paris TX., Isle of Capri Casino- Davenport, Iowa., Pala Casino- Pala, Ca., Four seasons Hotel- San Diego., Del Mar Country Club- San Diego., Hotel Del Coronado- San Diego., OC Pavilion-Santa Ana, Ca., Tulalip Casino- Seattle., Fantasy Springs Casino- Palm Springs., Country Club Tour/22 Country Clubs- Southern Calif./Arizona., “Concert in the Parks”/2004-present- Southern Calif., Gray’s Harbor Fair - Seattle., California Museum of Science- San Francisco., Hyatt/Irving * Irving, Ca., Ritz-Carlton * - Laguna Beach, Ca., Los Verde’s Country Club * Palo Verde’s, Ca., Pacific Conference Center *- Azusa, Ca., Chapman University *- Orange, Ca., St Regis Hotel *- Laguna Beach, Ca., The Grove *- Anaheim., Bonaventure Hotel* - Los Angeles Dick Clarks American Band Stand Theater - Branson, Mo. Orange County Fair - Costa Mesa, Ca. South Coast Plaza- Costa Mesa, Ca.* Rosarita Hotel/Resort - Rosarita, Mexico Casino Del Sol - Tucson, Ariz. Skye Restaurant - Phoenix, Az. Blue Lake Casino - Eureka, Ca. Cascade Theater - Redding, Ca. Santa Ana Star Casino - Albuquerque, Nm. UC Irvine - Irvine, Ca.*. The Hyatt Huntington Beach Huntington Beach, Ca.* Redding Stadium/4th of July (15,000 in attendance) - Redding, Ca.