NSE-Kenny Metcalf as ELTON JOHN
NSE-Kenny Metcalf as ELTON JOHN

NSE-KENNY METCALF-ELTON JOHN and The Early Years Band Tribute

NSE-Kenny Metcalf as ELTON JOHN
Booking: Neal Shelton
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Kenny Metcalf as Elton & The Early Years Band is the Ultimate Elton John Tribute show. They were recently hand picked to be featured on Mark Cuban and Ryan Seacrest's network AXS TV show "THE WORLD'S GREATEST TRIBUTE BANDS." They wowed a national audience during their live to air performance at The Roxy in Hollywood California, and are known for performing a technically accurate Vegas style production, featuring the wildly popular music, costumes and antics of Elton John.
"Elton" as portrayed by Kenny Metcalf, has the voice and appearance of Elton John when he was young. From rhinestones to sequins, every detail has been meticulously recreated. Iconic costumes including the infamous Los Angeles Dodgers uniform designed by Bob Mackie and glasses (created for Elton himself) by Ray Winston finish the illusion.
Those fortunate enough to have seen Elton perform live experience a sense of "Deja Vu" while watching the captivating performance given by Kenny. Audiences and critics alike leave with a sense that they "saw" Elton and his band. Caleb Quaye Elton's first producer and original lead guitarist states that witnessing this performance is like re-living infamous shows such as the one Elton performed at Dodger Stadium in 1975.
Elton John has been a powerful name in music for more than 40 years. He is currently enjoying another wave of popularity. Now, more than ever there is demand and desire to step back in time and experience the sights and sounds of this amazing artist. In tribute to his greatness, Kenny Metcalf and his band deliver.
The entire cast of Kenny Metcalf as Elton & The Early Years Band skillfully re-capture the original album sounds in live concert settings, delivering a complete audio/visual experience that is guaranteed to amaze any audience.