Gypsy Dreams Fleetwood Mac Tribute
Gypsy Dreams Fleetwood Mac Tribute

NSE-GYPSY DREAMS-Fleetwood Mac 2023 Spring Promo

Gypsy Dreams Fall Promo 2021

Fleetwood Mac Tribute Gypsy Dreams Promo Fall 2020
Booking: Neal Shelton
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Lisa McCormick, the lead vocalist for Gypsy Dreams, is a professional singer/ songwriter based in Los Angeles.
She has worked and performed with Jay Davis of Rod Stewart’s Band, Mr. Mister and also did a 25 city tour of Japan as a backup vocalist with artist Eikichi Yazawa who has released 19 albums. The tour included an HBO live concert at Budokan and a television special.
A BMI songwriter, she has also had songs placed in various feature films and television pilots and worked as a staff vocalist at Chick Corea’s studio.
As co-founder of Gypsy Dreams, she and Yuko Tamura began the band after a chance meeting with Stevie Nicks. Yuko and Lisa first met when their daughters were in school together. They shared a common interest in music and became good friends. Yuko was performing during the Super Dome concert in New Orleans in 2012 with Gladys Knight and had the opportunity to watch and speak with Stevie after the show. Yuko presented the idea of starting a Stevie Nicks tribute to Lisa after realizing the undeniable similarities between the two. Lisa had always been a huge Stevie fan and was excited to start this new venture.
“I have spent many hours researching all I can about Stevie Nicks so that I can give the audience the best tribute experience. My goal is not only to recreate her music as closely as possible with our high-caliber band but also to recreate the same feelings and performance that you would have if you were viewing one of her concerts.”
Lisa inserts parts of Stevie’s personality into the show by including stories about how she came to write her songs and multiple costume changes. Her goal is not only to recreate her music as closely as possible with this high-caliber band, but also to recreate the same feelings and performance that you would have if you were viewing one of her concerts.
“When I’m on stage and performing as Stevie, out in the audience I see smiles, everyone is singing along, all the hugs and so much love. It’s an explainable feeling and I am honored to represent her.”
– Lisa McCormick, lead vocalist