Mr. Tamborine Man-Ultimate Tribute to Bob Dylan
Mr. Tamborine Man-Ultimate Tribute to Bob Dylan

NSE-TAMBOURINE MAN-Ultimate tribute to BOB DYLAN-"Like a Rolling Stone"

NSE-TAMBOURINE MAN-Ultimate tribute to BOB DYLAN-"I Want You"

NSE-TAMBOURINE MAN-Ultimate tribute to BOB DYLAN-Interview Jon P
Booking: Neal Shelton
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Recreating the essense and tone of America's all time great icon, who's songwriting, folk music and lyrics have touched all of our lives in pop culture and reverence, Mr. Tamborine Man is the ultimate tribute to this legendary artist.
Mr. Tambourine Man is a band of passionate, committed musicians paying tribute to the legendary Bob Dylan with his incomparable music and the stories behind it!
Dylan inspired so many other great artists! Mr. Tambourine Man performs Bob Dylan's most epic and fun tunes that audiences know, love and almost never hear live!

Jon Pearlstone-Bob Dylan
Jon has performed for many years in multiple classic rock cover bands with a focus on covering big impact solo artists like Dylan and Springsteen. Jon is known for finding and delivering the story and the emotion behind the song.

Tony Robin-Music Director
Vocals, Bass
Tony has decades of experiece performing in and producing shows for live and studio bands around southern California for top level bands, as well as tribute bands such as Joy to the World,-Ultimate Three Dog Night Tribute Band

Dave Friedman-Keyboards
Dave has performed on the Southern California band circuit for over 30 years. His keyboard work and ability to help arrange songs is legendary among those he's played with.

Karl Aranjo-L Guitar-Banjo
Karl is an accomplished musician and music teacher who has performed in all genres of music He's also a successful published guitar teacher. HIs depth of music knowledge and broad skillset allow for accuracy in reproducing challenging Dylan tracks music.

Ray Weston-Drums
Taking the band to an entirely new level is Iron Butterfly's legendary drummer Ray Weston Ray has toured worldwide for years and worked with members of Peter Gabriel, Eric Clapton, Portishead, Thin Lizzy, The Average White Band, 10cc, Mike and the Mechanics, Fairground Attraction, Roger Waters and Van Morrison.